Shipping Policy

Clickshoppy has a transparent and clear shipping policy for all orders placed on our website. Our top priority is to ship your item at the earliest to your doorstep. We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and always on time promised by us in our website. Delivery time may vary according to the address, area and may depend upon the product availability.

Shipping Charges may apply to certain  products


Delivery Location

Clickshoppy ships all products to most part of india.

Delivery Charges

Delivery charge varies with each Seller

Sellers incur relatively higher shipping costs on low value items. In such cases, charging a nominal delivery charge helps them offset logistics costs. Please check your order summary to understand the delivery charges for individual products.

Estimated Delivery Time

Sellers generally procure and ship the items within 24 hr after order confirmed. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays

Estimated delivery time depends on the following factors

  • The Seller offering the product
  • Product’s availability with the Seller
  • The destination to which you want the order shipped to and location of the Seller.

Estimated delivery time vary for each seller.

  • Whether your location can be serviced or not depends on
  • Whether the Seller ships to your location
  • Legal restrictions, if any, in shipping particular products to your location
  • The availability of reliable courier partners in your location

At times Sellers prefer not to ship to certain locations. This is entirely at their discretion.

For all areas serviced by reputed couriers, the delivery time would be within 3 to 4 business days of shipping (business days exclude Sundays and other holidays). For other areas it may take 1-2 weeks depending on location. At times there might be unexpected delays in the delivery of your order due to unavoidable and undetermined logistics challenges beyond our control for which Clickshoppy is not liable and would request its users to cooperate us. Clickshoppy continuously tries to nought such instances.

Also, Clickshoppy reserves the right to cancel your order at its sole discretion in cases where it takes longer than usual delivery time or the shipment is physically untraceable and refund the amount paid for cancelled product(s) to your source account.

COD Option Availability

Availability of COD depends on the ability of our courier partner servicing your location to accept cash as payment at the time of delivery

Our courier partners have limits on the cash amount payable on delivery depending on the destination and your order value might have exceeded this limit. Please confirm with your pin code on customer care number to check if COD is available in your location.